Saturday, May 2, 2009


Sometimes it is just a good idea to go outside in your underwear, in the rain, and dance for the neighbors. Therapy has nothing on a good booty shake whilst others 'could be' watching. No matter that is is late and they are probably sleeping. The only stipulation is the underwear should be, at least slightly, exciting. I do, however, have some suggestions to make the event even nicer. Laugh. Be sure to have an escape route so that, upon an untimely or unwanted discovery, you can make a quick get away. Loose inhibitions. Recruit a fun partner. Laugh. Build courage by popping out from behind something in short dancing bursts. Get a scarf to twirl. (or cover yourself strategically with) Laugh. Smell the rain and let it wash over you. Laugh. Feel the earth beneath your feet. Laugh. Act like you did before life fell on you. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh.


  1. So NOW i know what you and nathan did after you left my place!

  2. explains so much

  3. I must admit i've done this tee hee
    xoxo wendy

  4. Mandy,
    You definately have had enough of this crap of life. You need a break. You are,however, very funny. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

  5. Too bad it dosen't rain very much!!!!!
