Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ode to a sink scrubber

I was on the phone with my mother, the other day, while I was driving home from the gym. We were engaged in polite conversation and I inquired as to the happenings of her day. She replied that she had merely gone to the store. I asked what she had purchased at the store to which she responded that she had "only" gotten a new sink scrubber and that it was not that exciting.
"oh I don't know about that Mom" was my hasty reply.
A new sink scrubber, if your old one is disgusting, can be quite exciting and revitalizing. A new zeal for cleaning can be achieved when one trades in an old scrubber, bristles bent and matted together, rubber grip starting to come loose. The one last bit of food, stuck amongst its bristles, encaged by them so that no matter how many times you put it through the dish washer or spray it with the nozzle of the faucet, pick at it with some utensil, or soak it in the sink, is never coming out. The discoloration from the multiple times it has been used to scrub tomato based sauce from pots and pans or the sheer hopelessness of trying, unsuccessfully, to use it to loosen grime from a casserole dish can drive one to drink.
But a new one, a scrubber so bright and fresh with the enticing promise of a scrub done well, no smashed bristles or bit of food, no funny smell or discoloration. Its a revelation. A new scrubber is in no way "only" anything.................................. if your old scrubber is disgusting.
So enjoy it Mom! I hope it is all you would hope it could be!!!!
oh and Happy Mother's Day Mom! Your the best!


  1. Mandy,
    You need to write books or something! You are very talented with words. I love following your blog!

    Love your cousin Lesa
