Tuesday, July 7, 2009

15 Min.

So I suppose it was someone at my church who said it, and I suppose that they were implying that one would use the time to come closer to God, but I got the idea in my head that spending 15 minutes a day writing is going to be my goal for the next few months. I am committing and, for some, this will come as a welcome declaration as I have been woefully neglectful of my blog. I do regret not having written for some time but, you see, I have not had anything funny to say, nor have I been in a jovial mood.

I do wonder if stupidity, feigned or otherwise, should be punishable by firing squad. There are people in this world who are deliberate in their desire to be stupid and there are just those who were born without. My question to the world at large is simply... why do we protect the stupid. Keeping them safe with warning labels on hot coffee and Draino seems counter productive to the forwarding of the human race. I motion to have all such things removed and let the cards fall where they may. I say let natural selection be natural. If you cant tell that putting a plastic bag over your head is not a fun game and that it is not a toy, well? If you dont have sense enough to not put your hair dryer in the tub or sink with water, or not to smoke while filling up your vehicle with gas, or if you cant tell that toilet bowl cleaner is harmful if swallowed, or that things coming out of an oven are hot, or that sidewalks are slippery when wet or icy, or that a movie that is advertised as being about a bunch of guys trying to get laid is going to contain material that may not be suitable for children, or cigarettes cause cancer and are harmful to your health or that super glue is not for putting in your eyes well then, maybe that is just your luck. I know that we all know someone who is dumb and may fall prey to the lack of direct commands we ingest as consumers through labels and commercials, but is it not better to weed out the stupid so the common sense may rule the land. Think of all the politicians we would not have to endure. Think of all the lawsuits that could be avoided or ignored. I like this plan and give it to you, the public, all in favor say ........

if your smart you know what to say..


  1. I think you have some very valid points and i agree with all of them except one, I do not feel I am stupid for being a smoker.. I HAVE AN ADDICTION LOL
    Love you
    great blog and its about freaking time girl friend
