It is no secret, I am a chubby girl. I have not always been such a chubby girl but recent years, kids, baking affinities, food allergies and general health problems coupled with an eating disorder in my youth have rendered my poor body a guardian of fat. In recent years it has also come to my attention no one calls it like it is. The media is telling us we are getting fatter and fatter while they embed images of skinnier and skinner and painfully, anorexic looking models in our minds. But to call someone actually fat is a crime.
Gone are the days when a pleasantly plump lady was revered and immortalized in a painting. In truth I have found more men prefer a woman with curves to a stick figure. Well, not just me. Look at any study of men's preferences and I am willing to bet you come to the same conclusion.
This add makes me long for the days when fat was not a four letter word. (faat? fatt? ffat?) I enjoy thoroughly the idea that something might be free to chubbies.
May I just suggest chubby people all over the world start realizing they have the power to turn something silly into something meaningful, something hurtful into something empowering, a way to flip the power dynamic. I shall now and for as long as I wish, call myself chubby, fat, portly, fleshy, thick, pudgy, chunky, thick, or corpulent. I invite you to feel free to do the same.
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