Vegas has an array of interesting sights and activities. The most intriguing to me though are the random people I meet or just observe. I have never seen a collection of strangeness in my entire life quite like the breed we get in this town. Its is a veritable smattering of characters that have an endless ability to amuse and puzzle me.
Every day, if I leave my house, I will see someone dancing. At a bus stop, while waiting, in the heat for a bus that is sure to smell of body odor and baby puke, they dance. Arms flailing and toes tapping, one person or a group, still they dance. Do they know something I do not? They dance like no one is watching. But we are. In a parking lot, at the grocery store, in the mall, at the doctors office, they dance. They don't seem to notice anyone else is around. Passing by I witness them tune in to their headphones or just the music they must hear in their own heads and break down a funky rhythm all their own. I am prone to marvel. What must compel a person to dance while walking between the concrete and heat and traffic and neon?
It gives me cause to wonder what is it that makes people in this particular town break it down for all to see? Is it "Sin City's" reputation, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Is it the influx of people who are trying to be in the entertainment industry? Possibly it is the heat? Maybe there are signs like this?

So dance I say. Dance like no one is looking. Dance like you have nothing to hide. Dance like the music is never going to end. Dance and make me laugh and break into my own dance. Dance!
And Dance I Will!!!!!!