I have begun to desire to write again and so I put my fingers to the keyboard and stroke the keys in hopes that, the mere act of writing will inspire me with some anecdote or humorous ruse. Nothing has been coming to my mind as of late because I have been busy with life and it has expanded like a great storm cloud filling my entire sky with its billowing fullness and requires a constant vigil to keep the downpour from overflowing my every vessel. I know life's enormity is the same for everyone, still I cant shake the feeling that I have been given my circumstances because they prove to be so difficult for me. I can take a moment to remember the lighthearted, blissful ignorance of youth and long for the times when my siblings and I used to spray hairspray on doors and then set them on fire. It can make me laugh to remember that my youngest brother took the fall for all the evidence of the activity because he foolishly wrote his name so he could view it ablaze.. It was quite a sight.. I do miss those times when we could not worry about what was going to happen next but just live in the moment and be happy with our fiery displays. And so to this keyboard I did put my fingers and while my time spent here has been short, I have found it enjoyable again........

and I plan to use the stairs..........