If I were schizophrenic and heard voices that were telling me to.. oh.. perhaps.. kill someone or.... do something that was just stupid.. that it would have to be her voice that I would hear and that if it were I would be so irritated that I just might do the voices bidding just to shut her up.. I mean, she is the female version of Keanu Reeves. Only less talented and much less lucky.. She is clearly not an "FBI AGENT". Its just so irritating to me that she is even in this movie which is other wise super funny and enjoyable.. When she delivers her line that "that is well" I want to shoot myself.
"If you just stop talking in my head.. and naming your child Radio Science, I will do whatever you ask. I swear."
I'm just saying...
oh and it cracks him up that when I do read something from an earlier time period that the voice in my head is that of an old English man akin to John Cleese. I can't explain it. Its just what I hear when reading Shakespeare or Chaucer... Go figure!!