When did we start asking kids what they want to eat?? I mean really. When I was a kid I did not pester my mother with incessant quandaries about what was for dinner and why were we having "that". I am quite sure that whatever the situation, I was given what was prepared and if I did not like it.... well..... I ate it anyway. If you refused food that had been prepared for you, you were going to get it. When did we give our kids the impression that they were allowed to have a voice in things like this. I dont really remember any of my parents fretting about whether or not I liked anything, least of all food. I just hear my sister's words rolling around in my head "it sucks to be little".
I am not sure when it became normal to try to please the children of a household and ask them what they feel is the best choice for family dinner. I myself find I wonder what they would like to eat. Luckily, I am self aware enough to realize that, deep down, I don't care what they "want" and I make whatever I please. I face much weeping and wailing and not a whole lot of gnashing of teeth when they dont like what I make for dinner but, I really want to know when their whims became the deciding factor to life.
Where does it end?? I can only conclude that if we follow this course that eventually children will be making all the important decisions in the world Then, we will all be trying to take up residency in Disneyland, eating candy two meals a day followed by a large helping of boogers, sleeping only when we have exhausted ourselves to the point of passing out, and peeing in the bushes.
I am going to return to my roots. My new mantra is going to be ...
and they will.